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When working with mysql php etc remember these things !

It's always the attention to detail and degree of organisation that can be something that improves your productivity. Things such as making sure that php is pumping out the error log some where and that you can hook a terminal up to it to get to error messages live.

Presuming your pipeing the errors to your system log (not a good idea to do this to html for security reasons)you can get live feedback via your terminal with a command like

tail -F /var/log/system.log

or something like

tail -F /var/log/system.log | grep "php"

or these few bits of code embedded in your test pages to help that whole process of de bugging.

echo mysql_error();
echo mysql_errno();
echo $result;



It's so easy to forget that we are working with 3 levels of language (at least html, php, mysql) so that's a lot to look out for!

Good Luck!

© 2006 Steve Abrahall